Chemistry Learning Ambassadors are the core of the  Chemistry Learning Community. As an ambassador you are going to create events, be the people that keep the group members social life alive online and show the other students how to interact together online in the Facebook group. You will also sometimes be sending out reminders to the class in the group to make sure the class knows about events both class related and social events.

Being an ambassador is not only a great thing to be during your education. It will also help you if you are working within social media marketing and give you skills and experience in online community building. So, this role will give you something extra to include on your CV to help you stand out from the crowd.

So what exactly is an ambassador expected to do?
 Chemistry Learning Ambassadors 
  • Post content daily in the Facebook group content could be

○      Fun Memes

○      Polls

○      Stuff to get the class talking

○      videos /ted talks

○      Videos and articles that are related to Chemistry that other people might like

○      And anything else you can think of

  • To keep the conversation going on the Facebook group by

○      comment on the posts made by members

○      Encourage your friends/classmates and fellows to post pictures and other content on the group as well.

  • Work together to create social online events for the group such as challenges, quizzes, Surveys, games  etc
  • Be the group communicators - Sometimes you will be asked to pass on important messages to the group.

Most importantly by being a  Chemistry Learning Ambassador, by posting content and being active on the Facebook group and by holding online events and evaluating them you will be part of creating the  Chemistry Learning community for the students.

Ambassador roles

For the first half year, you have 3 roles so that you share the responsibilities. It may be that after the first half year, you decide to drop the roles and work in a different way as a team. This is just to get you started.

Please be aware that although you have a certain role this doesn’t mean you only do that job. We want you all to be active on Facebook and in planning events.

The 3 roles are:
  • The messenger
  • The Secretory
  • Events coordinator

The messenger - will communicate important info in the group both from teams and from the ambassadors

The Secretory - will be the most active person on Facebook creating challenges, running the Saturday  Chemistry Learning pics and other fun stuff.

The Events Coordinator - will be the one who creates events (which you all plan together) and posts reminders, makes sure everyone is invited and excited and wants to come along and join in

Wow are we doing this completely alone?

No!  Chemistry Learning Manager's Shaheed-Ul-Rehman and Inam Baluoch will be supporting you. We will have a monthly meeting on zoom just with you and get you started and help you at the beginning to set it all up, evaluate it. Eventually we would love this to be fun for you to do alone but we will support you as much as you need. We will also be posting in the group. We won’t be in the Facebook group every day but we will be very active. At the end of year,  we will have a meeting and you can tell us what help you would like from us in the next year.